The Gold Turf Racing
Professional Members Club

(£197 per month)

The results below are based on BSP & returns are shown using £10 stakes.
Oct W 164/721 (22.7%) +435.40 £4,354.00 PROFIT 23.2
Sep W 224/1,001 (22.3%) +400.19 £4,001.90 PROFIT 33.3
Aug W 80/297 (26.9%) +210.58 £2,105.80 PROFIT 9.5

(Only £197 per month)

Receive tips in your email inbox before 12.30pm each day, 7 days a week - typically around 11am
This service includes tips from BOTH the High-Flyers +
Racing Specialists which has made a combined profit of
+1,045.97 points in the first 3 months - that's a profit of £10,459.70 to simple £10 stakes or a WHOPPING £52,298.50 to £50 stakes!
You can see the complete set of results below.


Our tips are being proofed to the Racing Index.
Click on the image to see our results via an independent third-party site.
The proofing started on 1st November 2023 (so does not include results between August to October 2023)